Digi XBee® SX 1-Watt 900 MHz RF

Xbee Wireless Transmitter

The Digi XBee RF modems are the wireless transmitters that allow for communication between the car and the base station. We have two XBee devices:

Device IDBaud Rate (bits per second)

Each XBee is limited to sending no more than 256 bytes of data per message.

Information for controlling XBee with Python can be found in the documentation for the XBee Python Library. Which is available on PyPI as the digi-xbee package.

Port identification

To set up an XBee for sending or receiving, you'll need to identify the port that the XBee has attached to.


Run the following command in the terminal:

$ ls /dev/tty.*

You might see a few different ports listed (Bluetooth, for example). The one that contains "usbserial" is the XBee. For example, the port may look like /dev/tty.usbserial-A21SPQED.


Open the command prompt and type mode. You should the XBee on one of the COM ports (COM1, COM2, etc.).

If you are using WSL2, you'll have to set up USB passthrough and identify the XBee from within the Linux subsytem.