Exercise - An automated autopsy

This exercise is broken into two parts. In the first section, you will craft a Python parser to interpret real CAN frames sent by an isolated MPPT under idle operation. Values sent by this MPPT will be boring and predictable. In part two, you'll adapt your parser to handle CAN data from multiple connected devices. The data in part two will be generated to contain a mystery—at some point in this fabricated scenario, a failure will occur in the car. Your job is to analyze the CAN traffic to determine when and where the failure first appeared, and what might have caused it.

Part 1 - Isolated MPPT

This data file contains CAN frames sent by an MPPT (base address 0x600) on it's own CAN network. Frames in this file appear in a [Frame ID] [Data] text format, separated by newlines. Frame IDs and data are given in hex, although the leading "0x" is omitted.

Your job is to use the MPPT datasheet to construct a Python program that processes this file into something human-readable.

Remember that variables in CAN frames are stored in little-endian byte-order.


You may find the binascii.unhexlify and struct.unpack functions helpful in converting from a hex string to an integer or float.

You can also use int(some_hex_string, 16) to parse a hex string to an integer. This can also be done with unpack and unhexlify, but unhexlify requires an even number of hex digits, so it can be a bit nicer to just use int directly for, say, the frame id, which is 3 hex digits.


The first line in the data file is 604 6666DA420000E040. We can recognize this as a frame sent by the MPPT at base address 0x600 with an id offset of 0x4.

The relevant section of the MPPT datasheet tells us that this is the "Limits" message, which contains the following variables.

Max. Output Voltage0-3FLOATVolt
Max. Input Current4-7FLOATAmpere

Here's how we can parse this frame in Python.

Let's start by storing the first frame in a variable and then splitting it into the frame id and the data:

raw_frame = "604 6666DA420000E040"
frame_id, data = raw_frame.split(" ")

The frame_id, data = ... syntax we used above is called "unpacking" or "destructuring", and it is a clean way of breaking down a list (or any iterable) into multiple variables. In this case, raw_frame.split(" ") returned a list of 2 strings, the first of which we assigned to frame_id, and the second to data. It would have been equivalent to write:

split = raw_frame.split(" ")
frame_id = split[0]
data = split[1]

At this point, both the frame_id and data variable are strings (text). Because in general we need to examine the offset of the frame id from the base address to determine the message type, we will need to convert frame_id to an integer. Similarly, we will need to end up converting portions of data into the types specified by the MPPT datasheet.

To convert frame_id into an integer, we can use Python's builtin int function with two arguments to parse a string into an integer.

frame_id = int(frame_id, 16)

We can then determine the offset from the base address programmatically:

offset = frame_id - 0x600

Notice that Python allows you to write integers directly in hex using the 0x prefix.

Of course, in this case we already know that the offset is 4. But, in general, you'll need to determine the offset and then examine the data accordingly. Let's say we're choosing to do this in one big if ... elif ... elif ... else block.

if offset == 0:
    ... # handle offset 0
elif offset == 1
    ... # handle offset 1

... # handle more offsets

elif offset == 4
    ... # handle offset 4

... # handle more offsets

For the frame we're examining in this example, we know that we're going to end up inside the branch for offset == 4. The MPPT specs tell us that a broadcast message with offset 4 contains two 32-bit floats in the data field. We can break the data into halves using Python's slicing syntax:

first_half = data[:8]
second_half = data[8:]

And then we can use unhexlify to convert each half from a string to the represented bytes:

from binascii import unhexlify

first_half = unhexlify(first_half)
second_half = unhexlify(second_half)

Note that we could equivalently have chosen to unhexlify the whole message first, and then slice it into halves.

Finally, we can use unpack to decode the bytes into little-endian floats (the "<f" given to unpack is a format specifier meaning little-endian 32-bit float; you can find more info in the docs for unpack).

from struct import unpack

max_output_voltage = unpack("<f", first_half)[0]
max_input_current = unpack("<f", second_half)[0]

At this point, we've decoded the CAN frame! You can now print the decoded information to the screen, append it to a list, store it in a dictionary, or use whatever format you think works best.


There are many possible ways to write the code to solve this exercise, so you're not expected to have written code that looks the same as this. This is only one of the possible solutions and is here as a reference.

# We're going to use the `unhexlify` function to convert hex strings into the
# actual bytes they represent.
from binascii import unhexlify

# We'll also use the `unpack` function to decode `float`s and `int`s from
# raw bytes.
from struct import unpack

def decode_mppt_data(offset, data):
    if offset == 0:
        # Input measurements
        return {
            "Input Voltage (V)": unpack("<f", data[:4])[0],
            "Input Current (A)": unpack("<f", data[4:])[0],
    elif offset == 1:
        # Output measurements
        return {
            "Output Voltage (V)": unpack("<f", data[:4])[0],
            "Output Current (A)": unpack("<f", data[4:])[0],
    elif offset == 2:
        # Temperature
        return {
            "Mosfet Temperature (deg. Celsius)"    : unpack("<f", data[:4])[0],
            "Controller Temperature (deg. Celsius)": unpack("<f", data[4:])[0],
    elif offset == 3:
        # Auxiliary power supply
        return {
            "12V (V)": unpack("<f", data[:4])[0],
            "3V (V)" : unpack("<f", data[4:])[0],
    elif offset == 4:
        # Limits
        return {
            "Max. Output Voltage (V)": unpack("<f", data[:4])[0],
            "Max. Input Current (C)" : unpack("<f", data[4:])[0],
    elif offset == 5:
        # Status
        return {
            "CAN RX error counter"   : unpack("<B", data[:1])[0],
            "CAN TX error counter"   : unpack("<B", data[1:2])[0],
            "CAN TX overflow counter": unpack("<B", data[2:3])[0],
            "Error flags"            : unpack("<B", data[3:4])[0],
            "Limit flags"            : unpack("<B", data[4:5])[0],
            "Mode"                   : unpack("<B", data[5:6])[0],
            "Test counter"           : unpack("<B", data[7:])[0],
    elif offset == 6:
        # Power connector
        return {
            "Output Voltage (Battery side of fuse) (V)": unpack("<f", data[:4])[0],
            "Power connector Temperature (deg. Celsius)" : unpack("<f", data[4:])[0],
        # Unknown message, throw an error to the caller.
        raise Exception(f"No message matches offset 0x{offset:x}")

def decode_data(base_address, offset, data):
    if base_address == 0x600:
        # If the base address belongs to a known MPPT, decode the data using
        # a MPPT-specific helper function, and return the decoded message.
        return { "sender": base_address, "message": decode_mppt_data(offset, data) } 
        # Otherwise, the message doesn't match any known device. Throw an error
        # to the caller.
        raise Exception(f"No device matches base address 0x{base_address:x}")

with open("mppt_data.txt", "r") as f:
    for line in f:
        # Take the line, remove any leading/trailing whitespace,
        # and then split across the space dividing the frame id from the data.
        left, right = line.strip().split(" ")

        # Convert the frame id hex string into an actual number.
        frame_id = int(left, 16)

        # Convert the data hex string into bytes.
        data = unhexlify(right)

        # Decompose the frame id into a base address and offset.
        base_address, offset = divmod(frame_id, 16)
        base_address *= 16

        # Decode the message and print it.
        print(decode_data(base_address, offset, data))

The result of running this program on the MPPT data provided above can be found in this output file.

Part 2 - Chaos on the CAN network

In this exercise, you'll will be given a dump of CAN traffic from the following made-up scenario.

Because the CAN data for this scenario has been fabricated, you shouldn't expect to see super-realistic and -consistent data reported across all the devices on the network. Rather, the tampered data has been made in a way to (hopefully) make localizing a fault easier.

While working on an electrical line in SC7s, members of the Electrical team heard a pop from within the car. A few seconds later, the top-shell was lifted, and one of the devices attached to the CAN line was found damaged and unresponsive. The car was then immediately powered off.

This incident occurred during winter, while the car was idle (not driving) and being worked-on in North Garage. The Electrical team reported the following CAN network configuration:

  • MPPT at base address 0x600
  • MPPT at base address 0x610
  • MPPT at base address 0x620
  • Motor controller at base address 0x400
  • Driver controls at base address 0x500
  • Battery management system

They were also able to provide this log of CAN traffic in the minutes leading up to the incident.

By analyzing this CAN traffic, can you figure out which device was damaged, what type of damage was sustained, and what may have caused the failure?


Many of the messages in the given data file come from the battery management system (BMS), which works a little differently than the other devices you are familiar with. CAN frames broadcast from the BMS are programmable and do not necessarily follow the base address + offset pattern used by the other devices. For this exercise, the BMS is not relevant to electrical failure, which means you should ignore any messages from the BMS (i.e. the ones that are not from the MPPTs, motor controller, or driver controls).

You may also not need to decode every frame from the other devices. It's possible to complete this exercise by identifying oddities in the raw frames, and limiting your focus only to those oddities.

Hint #1

We know that the "pop" was heard just a few seconds before the car was powered off (at which point the CAN traffic ends). So it's reasonable to expect the failure to appear very near to the end of the traffic log file.

You also should try looking for CAN messages that stop being sent before the rest of the traffic ends, the idea being to identify the damaged device by seeing if it goes silent.

You might also try looking for messages that only start appearing near the end of the log file. You may observe a "reset" message that one device sends when another stops responding.

Note that you can make these observations by only looking at the frame IDs and not actually decoding any data. So this might be a good starting point.

Hint #2

The previous hint should let you identify which device has failed: it's the motor controller at base address 0x400. The last message sent by the motor controller occurs at line 42776, over 300 lines before the file. For comparison, all the other devices on the network have messages appearing at most 35 lines from the end of the file. You could also have identified the issue with the motor controller by observing the first appearance of the message with ID 0x503 at line 42888. This message is a "reset" message sent from the driver controls to the motor controller, indicating a problem with the motor controller.

Now that you know which device has been damaged, it's time to figure out what happened. To do this, you need to decode some messages from the motor controller. Many of the messages have all zeros in their data—those probably aren't worth decoding. Also, remember that the car isn't driving in this scenario, so messages indicating motor and vehicle velocities likely aren't relevant either. For the remaining messages, try decoding, say, the last 10 instances of each. Are there any values that are changing rapidly?